Student Faculty Feedback System PHP MySQL

Student Faculty Feedback System PHP MySQL – In this article i will explain how develop online student staff faculties feedback management system project in PHP and MySQL database. Now a days college management ask feedback for student about faculties how they are handle the class and some social oriented things. That’s why here i have to develop online faculty feedback system in PHP. Its helpful college final year students for do their educational improvements.

Here you can add faculties and students so we easily delete and update records from the existing list. Every college’s ask feedback for students how they are studying in college and home. Currently we are living on digital world so everything was converted into digital methods.

Also Read – Quiz Project PHP & MySQL

Software Used

Here I have use XAMPP for execute the PHP MySQL project. When we execute the PHP code, must need server help for running the PHP file. I think already you know that as a formality i will explain this.

Three Modules – Student Faculty Feedback System

  1. Student Section
  2. Faculty Section
  3. Admin Section

Student Section

Here students are register their account for give their feedback about faculties who are handle the subjects. Radio button based feedback developed so we can select one answer per question. Personal queries and doubts also able to submit in feedback form.

Faculty Section

Faculties are upload their question in student panel and staffs are manually add students in feedback system who are not in the list. Finally faculties are see student feedback in their storage.

Admin Section

Admin maintain both of student and faculty section. We have permission to change anything in feedback system and there are many advantage available in this project.

Live Demo

Before downloading project, once you can check live demo how its working and modules. Then easily you can identified this project worth are not. After check the live demo you are getting some idea like how student and faculty management system worked and what are features are covered on existing projects. Moreover you can customize more modules based on your clients requirements.

Download Source Code – Student Faculty Feedback System

Here you can download the full source code of Online Student Faculty Feedback System using PHP MYSQL. If you face any error just comment below i will help to fix error. Click below button to get the feedback system PHP source code.

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