Create Website PHP MySQL

Create Website HTML CSS PHP MySQL – In this article i will explain how to create a website in PHP. Before watching the video, i will give some introduction about PHP and Web Server.Before learn PHP first go through and learn HTML, without HTML you can’t develop any single web pages.

Every programmer should be knowledge about HTML program. In PHP you can embedded the HTML code. So when you have good knowledge in HTML you can develop the attractive websites and interfaces. Then finally integrate with PHP project. With help of PHP a lot of students are making their projects like Library Management System, Banking, online store and more.

Where PHP Used?

I think you already know that Facebook also use PHP language to develop their website. Most of the major WordPres framework also used PHP. Magento platform use PHP for their website, using Magento you can develop E-Commerce websites like Flipkart, Amazon and more. Most of college students are choose their project in PHP languages because small companies are hiring PHP developers.

The Major companies are,

  • Facebook
  • Yahoo
  • Wikipedia
  • CMS (WordPress, Joomla)
  • Magento
  • and more top companies use PHP

What we need to Run PHP? – Create Website HTML CSS

We need XAMPP server to execute the PHP code’s. So before start to write the code just install XAMPP server then start Apace and MySQL server to initialize the php applications. XAMPP provides local IP address that’s helps to execute the application in offline.

In online, Apache server is 24/7 is running and we don’t need any local third party server distribution software. Automatically server takes the PHP codes but in offline it did not execute until you start the XAMPP server. Nowadays a lot of tutorial videos are available to execute our projects with help of other developers. So don’t worry about struggles, if you are ready to dedicate yourself then surely you can achieve your dreams.

Hard or Easy

Actually it’s very easy and in the beginning only little bit hard to understand the concepts. After that you get clear idea about how it’s working and what are the modules we need to implement form in our projects. We have YouTube channel Diya Act in Tamil language and regularly posting videos about programming technologies like PHP, Android Java, Python, Angular, Firebase etc.

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