Salary Management System PHP MySQL

Here I explain how to develop Salary Management System PHP project using MySQL database. It’s like similar of employee management system, already in the previous article we are published how manage workers. So for more once check out our old article as a reference of how manage employee in digital methods. The project objective is particular employee able to check the pay slip in every month and also update profile in official website.

On the other hand admin able to add new employees, add salary, allowance, deduction, tax, search employee, total report and more features are available. In the upcoming section we are clearly explained each and every things which is related to companies. Moreover admin have every rights to handle the database like delete, update etc.

Project Modules

Totally two main Login modules are here implemented for manage both of company staffs & owner of the offices.

  1. Employee Login
  2. Admin Login

Initially admin only have permission to add new employee on our online portal then only particular worker able to check the personal profile with salary details. So they are collect following information such as Name of employee, date of birth, department, designation, date of joining, mobile number, email address, salary etc.

Admin Modules – Salary Management System PHP

  1. Add Employee
  2. Edit/Update/Delete/Search Employee
  3. Add Pay Slip
  4. Search/Update/Delete Pay Slip
  5. Report
  6. Personal Dashboard
  7. Logout

Employee Module

  1. Main Dashboard
  2. View Pay slip
  3. Profile
  4. Logout

Database Connection

The database name is PHP and later that you can change the name based on your project. Moreover in this project have two table one for store the employee values and another one for manage the salary of employees. Leave & attendance features are currently here not available and in future we are updated those things.

Create new database on localhost/phpmyadmin and create new name in PHP. After that just import the php.mysql file which is available on our project folder. Diya Act is one of another blog where you can download free source code in various programming languages like PHP, Java, Python Django, Android etc.

Screenshot – Salary Management System PHP

Payroll management system also related to this project, some minor things are only changed when compared to previous things. So I hope you can use this tutorial on further project where you have to make feedback/complaints, leave apply etc.

salary management system php
payroll employee information php
salary management report

Leave deduction and allowance also available on this project. It’s one of the major features when compared to other payroll related projects. Suppose if any employee absent then the salary was reduced when execute the salary process from admin side.

Source Code & Live Demo

This project not for free so you have to pay Rs.1000 ($15) to purchase the complete source code with database and documentation. I hope above all the steps are helps to understand the project, if no then contact us for check the live video demo materials. Hereafter you can purchase the code if you are completely satisfied our code.

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