Quiz App with Admin Panel Android PHP

In this tutorial I explain how to develop Quiz app with Admin Panel using Java & PHP programming language in android stuudio IDE. Here we are using MySQL database for store and manage entire data from admin side. The API was written by PHP scripting language and which is very good and easy to do more customization works. For that you have good knowledge in Core or Framework (MVC) like Laavel, Codeigniter etc.

However here we need only admin panel so I think Core PHP is enough if your project has limited modules. Suppose if you want to add more features and forms then framework is best option for accessing more library files such as email verification, validation, bootstrap etc. These are options are available on MVC based programming languages.

quiz app android studio php admin panel

Already in our blog we are posting article for how develop Online exam based quiz application using PHP & MySQL database. And now additionally using Java to get mobile based application. Because the UI & performance was very good when compared to scripting languages. Most of the users are like to use android application rather than websites.

Technologies Used

Below we are mentioned the number of technologies which is applied on Quiz android application with PHP powerful admin panel.

  1. Java
  2. PHP
  3. XML
  4. MySQL
  5. Bootstrap
  6. HTML
  7. CSS
  8. Third Party Libraries
  9. Payment Gateway (PHP, Java) | Razorpay

Create Project – Quiz App with Admin Panel

Let’s see the steps for how create Quiz Application using PHP and Java programming language in android studio IDE. We are manually type each and every question, however you can copy paste to do process all type of queries. First we have to create admin panel space for uploading question, answers and some of instructions which is important to execute the system.

After develop the control panel we can easily manage the quiz application. So first step only complicate to set the options based question, paragraph, choose the best answers and more types are available. But most of the institutions and government also followed choice based patterns.

Admin Panel – PHP Quiz App

In this project we are adding only exam based questions and answers. Suppose if you want to add study materials then we have to allocate some space for upload & manage files. Previous project we are uploading both of study documents in PDF format and also manage quiz exams.

  1. Admin Login
  2. Select Question Types
  3. Manage Categories
  4. Upload Questions & Answers
  5. Answers Tracking
  6. User Management System like Faculties, manager, students, managing head etc.

Android App using Java

Actually user interface and experience is very must for mobile application. Because end users are looking for easiest navigation, easy to use, responsive design. For that we have to choose good programming language to do all works. Flutter Framework (Dart), Ionic also good but Java has more features and do lot of technical things with good documentations.


  1. Splash Screen
  2. Register/Login Form
  3. Main Dashboard
  4. Available Questions
  5. Tracking Answers
  6. Result
  7. Manage Question
  8. Download Question Bank

Screenshot – Quiz App with Admin Panel

Once check out out output image files for getting more ideas about the particular pages. After that you can able to understand the concept and make changes based on your client requirements We are alos helps to customize the project but for that you have to pay some amount for us.

quiz appp with admin panel
quiz app with admin panel android php

Source Code

I hope above all contents and explanation helps to find out solution for your demands. Still you have any doubts regarding this, then feel free to contact us for more ideas. Here we are provide free source code for both of admin panel and mobile application. However premium project also available on our end, contact us for check the live demos.

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