Leave Management System PHP

Leave Management System PHP – In this article I have explain how implement Employee and Student Leave Management System project using PHP MySQL. Nowadays everybody like to work with online mode. So they are also apply the leave in online system. No phone calls, sms need for apply the leave for management. That was colleges, schools, office managements, hotels and more places.

leave management php mysql

When we use leave management system portal, easily request & apply leave for company admins or college management staffs. In the corona period all of students are listen the classes from online platform via zoom and google meet application. So it’s very easy methods when compare offline regulation process.

Create Project

This project concept matched on employee, student, faculty staff leave permission management. Most of colleges & organizations are now following this concept for maintain students attendance system. It’s very worth because we have always one soft copy and no one cheat the management.

How it’s working?

  1. Every students/employee has one id for login the account.
  2. After opening a account, leave application form is showing on the dashboard.
  3. Approved leaves & Rejected leaves are also saved on their personal account dashboard.
  4. When students fill and apply the forms, the notification will be automatically forwarded from particular class teacher or head of department.
  5. Then particular staffs are manually analyze & approve the leave request. After approving/reject process notifications are send from students.


  • Check the approval status
  • Remaining leave days
  • Profile Details
  • Email Notification when leave request are accepted
  • User Friendly Navigation
  • Get Notified for Class Advisors & Head of Department

Download Source Code

In below I give the full source code of Employee/Staff/Student Leave management system using PHP, MySQL, JavaScript. Remaining leave days & how many days you have to apply the leave and more feature status are showing on the dashboard.

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