Hostel Management System PHP MySQL – In this tutorial I will explain how to develop the Hostel management system project using PHP and MySQL. Through the project you can do the every work in online. There are two login section one is visitor login and another one is employee login. The Visitor login provide the fees structure like Room rent, Mess bill, Establishment fees and more fees details and also know the fees receipt like how you give advance payment for hostel with proof.
Another one is Employee, here you can select your rooms. There are many rooms selection available in category and price based, after select the room you can pay the bill through credit card or cash mode. Then also get the report for fees and room details. So many features are available in this project just use that. For more projects just read our another tech blog of diya act where we upload number of PHP projects with free source code.
Create Project – Hostel Management System PHP
This is a major project because we are live in a digital world so need to move on digital way. That’s why most of organization follow the online world to get the better results and easiest life. Here hostel management system is one of the important things because students are get their reports easily to maintain. Don’t need to hard copy to save the physical documents like fees payments something like that.
Let’s start first create the one project the name is like Hostel Management System project in PHP & MySQL. After creating the project you can simply make first file name is index.php for our project homepage design. In every project homepage is very important so take more time to design homepage. The Homepage code is,
Here i will not explain the full source code, because spaces are not enough so finally I give the full source code of Hostel Management System in PHP and MySQL. In below explain the database connection code,After connecting the database just import the SQL files. In that SQL file I have already create table and store some demo values so you can import from the database.
Also Read – Stock Management System PHP
Totally three modules are added here such as college students, hostel warden and admin who have entire control to manage all the information. Hostel warden have rights to allocate rooms, food and more related things for students. Moreover fee also maintained by warden & it was under maintained by the admin.
- Student
- Hostel Warden
- Admin (Owner of the Institution)
Number of benefits are available on this project and here we are using Core PHP programming language with MySQL database. If you have good knowledge in framework then switch into Laravel (MVC) framework to get more additional features.
- Login/Signup
- Forgot Password
- Responsive Design
- Room Allocate
- Admin Control
- Food & Fee
- and more
Download Source Code – Hostel Management System PHP
Above all steps and explanation was helps to build the hostel management system project using PHP & MySQL database. If you are facing any issues just comment below we are always online to help our readers. However already we are fixed all the bugs in our end so it’s executed fine without any problem.