Delivery App Android Admin Panel

Here I explain how to develop Delivery App Android Admin Panel using Java & PHP scripting language for both of web portal & apps. Every application need admin page to manager orders, customers, data, payment related information. Most of the business owners are looking for online application to maintain delivery boys. Because when we follow the digital method it’s showing exact results and easily able to maintain each and every records.

Fro example we can find out driver location, tracking usage, profit, loss, report, customer details, order information and more benefits are available. But in the physical method we are facing lot of financial struggles, issues, hard to maintain employee data etc. In below I explained the Modular views usage for this delivery app & admin panel projects.

track orders delivery boy android
  1. Navigation Drawer
  2. Tab Bar
  3. Bottom Navigation View
  4. Recycler View
  5. Card View
  6. Web View

To fetch the images and data, we are using JSON parser via Volley Library to get fastest response from server end. Moreover Glide library used for display the images, files, document, and any type user contents. We are using Firebase Authentication for get user input such as name, mobile number, address, location, email address and more information. Which is used for future reference when we are lost any data from particular client side.

Download Google Services.JSON

This is one of the major one to communicate with Firebase database and this is very easiest concept. Already number of tutorial videos are available on YouTube platform, so once go through the video after that you are getting some idea about domain.

However I explain basic steps for how download and place the file in our project. First go to on Firebase official website and then enter your project name and server place. After that it was created successfully with added java package name. The package name is unique to communicate both of java application & Firebase database server.

Suppose if you are beginner on Firebase ? Don’t worry just read our tutorial for get more ideas and free live demos with some of real time examples. In the beginning only little bit hard to understand the concept but after that you are getting some knowledge on specific sector.

Also Read – Auction App Android Source Code

Create Project – Delivery App Android

Let’s see the steps for how create web portal admin panel and android application for delivery boys who are manage entire orders from the store. For that first we have to create login authentication for each users then only able to assign & forward orders to particular person. After send the order to driver boy, he/she need to accept the orders and start the work & updates.


Number of features are available in this project, so once check out our output after that you are getting some idea about the topic. Later that you can customize the modules based on you client requirements, however you need practical knowledge then only able to fix the issues.

Screenshots – Delivery App Android

Once check out demo files for learn some idea about project structures. Here we are using our own colors, modules, patterns, specification and more. So later that you can edit and modify code based on your own taste.

delivery boy android studio app with admin panel
delivery app android

Download Code

I hope above all code and explanations are helps to build the application. Moreover admin panel is not a application, it’s web portal you can only manage on browser. Because then only we can easily handle all of information in very fastest methods.

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