AdMob Ads Integration Android Studio

In this tutorial I explain how to develop AdMob Ads Integration Android Studio using Java programming languages. Recent days most of the college students, freelancers are spends their time in making money online. For that number of resources are available like Blog Creation, App development, Digital marketing and more ways. But we need to learn some basic things in particular technology then only able to generate passive income in our ideas.

That’s why here I making this article to provide the steps for integrate list of Google ads in our Android application. Actually AdMob is one of the biggest & best platform for generate money online in our free time. Most of the software companies are now directly developed apps and published on Google play store.

admob ads integration android studio

Because through this earn lakhs of money per month without any hard works. However we have to regularly update our apps in the between time of 3 months once for reasonable earning methods. Then only Google mark your app in top recommendation field when user search app related on your names. Algorithm’s are categorized in back-end through this the machine listed out a results.

Steps explained

I hope already you have some knowledge in android domain like how customize the source code, how handle error handling and much more. These are very important to fix our particular issues in our domain, otherwise our most of the times are wasted. Therefore once read the official documentation for getting more ideas related to integration documentation guidelines.

Once Read Official Documentation, before read our integration steps. Don’t forget to configure your application via using these line of below code. Because without this you can’t properly execute the project on your devices.

buildscript {
    repositories {

allprojects {
    repositories {

After add into your project, test with sample AdMob Id steps. Keep in mind never workout your app with live ID until fix all your issues. The reason is Google always track your Live Admob IF, if anything wrong then immediately dismiss your application.

        <!-- Sample AdMob app ID: ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713 -->

Most of the developers are maximum completed their works via official documentation. Google company clearly explain their steps and also source code available on GitHub page. You can test it with your testing ID, if everything is okay then move on Live ID details.

Ad Types (Category)

  1. App Open
  2. Banner
    • Anchored Adaptive
    • Inline Adaptive
    • Smart Banner (Deprecated)
  3. Interstitial
  4. Native
    • Load Ad
    • Display Ad
      • Small & Medium Size
      • Full Screen
      • Native Templates
  5. Rewarded
  6. Rewarded Interstitial

Above mentioned advertisement categories are widely used by mobile app developers. But the integration is not a easy task, we have to learn more things then only properly build your app with exact results.

The most popular Google AdMob type is Ad Open and Native ads, however Interstitial is best choice but need more knowledge to handle the particular ads on your device. Because most of the times overlapping issues or violation problem raised from Google end.

To know about our integration steps just go through the tutorial link. Completely we are explain each steps in very user friendly method, so once visit and then you get clear idea like how every things are executed on our code.

AdMob Ads Integration Android

I hope above mentioned explanations are helps to integrate your application in Google platform. If you are face any issues when working on your project, just contact us we are help to connect with AdMob live ads with proper steps.

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