Android Apps with AdMob Integration

In this article I have explain the list android apps with AdMob Integration. I hope already you know about the Google AdMob Integration steps. So in below directly I come to the point for create the android apps which is integrated to Google AdMob. Actually Admob integration is a not easy task for every developers. If we placing wrong ads then Google strike us.

That’s why most of app developers are taking more time for integrate the apps. Once we are successfully create, then easily make the every ads. Therefore beginning only hard to setup the ads, app code, end user actions and more navigation.

Already I have published lot of android apps which is integrated to admob service. And here particularly making one article for list the all application with admob features. So surely it’s helps to create admob app in android studio platform. Suppose if you are beginner then minimum learn the steps in one month. After that only you get some idea for make the integration steps.

Google AdMob Integration

Okay let’s see the integration of google admob & it’s features. For that first I have explain the list of supportive ads via google documentation. To get the full information once read the google official documentation steps for place the ads in perfect place.

Ad Formats

  1. Banner
    • Anchored Adaptive
    • Inline Adaptive
  2. Interstitial
  3. Native
  4. Rewarded
  5. Rewarded Interstitial Ads


Just follow the below steps for how implement apps with admob feature. This is one of the best way for making money online on your free time. But for that you need technical knowledge to fix the problem. And also you have to making apps with real time example.

  1. Android Studio IDE
  2. SDK version 28+
  3. AdMob Account
  4. Play Console account (you have to pay $25) – One Time Fee

Android Apps with AdMob

We have collection of source code in free of cost from various programming languages like PHP, Android, Java, Flutter, Python, Kotlin, React, Angular, JavaScript and more. Here I share the Android apps which is explain the steps of admob integration. In the beginning i little bit hard to understand, but after that you are a master in the particular domain.

Also Read – Android Projects

android apps with admob
Source & Credits – Google

Because in the initial stage me also facing those issues & later that only find out how fix the issues. That’s why here I suggest for my blog readers when deploy apps on play store. Once you receive any strikes then Google notice your account for further more test methodologies.

Source Code

Above all contents & Source code helps to build the application. If any doubt contact us then we will give live support for clarify your issues. However already lot of documentations are available in both YouTube & Google platform for solve your issues.

That’s it..

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