WordPress Website Very Slow

Recent days most of users are face the problem of WordPress Website Very Slow. Nowadays website/blog users are day by day increased because through this we able to earn more money via Google AdSense. So college students and working professionals are part time based starts blog.

However we need some knowledge in he particular area then only we able to improve the speed. So here just follow my steps to increase the WordPress website speed score & SEO ranks.

In the year 2016 I bought this domain from bluehost and in the initial stage I make lot of problems. As a result my site performance, page loading and entire performances are down. That’s why site will taking more time for load the contents.

WordPress Website Very Slow – Reasons

Actually a lot of reasons are there to affect the site performance. So here I explain only major issues, when we solve this problem then automatically our website performance will be increased and get higher ranking on google results.

  1. Worst & Average Hosting Plan
  2. Activate lot of Plugins
  3. Cache Plugin Issues
  4. Slow Theme
  5. Not use CDN

Above fives are major common problem do by most of peoples. Therefore here Step by step I explain for how solve the issues.

Choose Best Hosting Plan

Hosting is very important for our website or blog. Nowadays in the market a lot of domain and hosting providers are available. So some peoples are select worst hosting plan because amount is very low.
But that’s not good habit and it’s completely affect our site.

So always choose best hosting providers. I recommend Hostgator or Hostinger. Both providers are good in market and give full support for all users. In the initial time you select normal hosting plan after that we have to migrate from high level plans based on traffic.

If you are getting 3K plus views per day from your blog ? Then shared hosting plan is enough. Suppose if yo are crossing 3K plus page views then migrate into VPS or dedicated server.

Never Use So many Plugins

A number of plugins are available on WordPress and new peoples are activate lot plugins. But they don’t know it’s affect SEO and site loading speeds. Therefore just install 5 to 10 plugin for better performance and improve GTmetrix score.

First test your website on GTmetrix. After that follow the steps for solve the issues. For example purpose here I test my website on GTmetrix and the result is attached below section. Read our articles for how increase performance on GTmetrix website.

wordpress website very slow

I get A Grade and performance is 90 percentage so this status is good for maintain the blog in good condition. Therefore follow my steps and then you can also able to get A grade on your website.

WordPress Website Very Slow ? – Activate WP Rocket Plugin

WP Rocket is the best cache plugin for optimize overall your images, contents, documents, products and more. This plugin not a available in free version so we have to buy the plugins. They are provide only premium features and it’s worth for money.

wordpress website plugin wp rocket


  1. Database Optimization
  2. GZIP Compression
  3. Minify CSS and JavaScript
  4. Image Optimization
  5. CDN
  6. Improve SEO Score

When you follow all the steps then you sort out the WordPress Website Very Slow Problem.

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