Top 10 Android Games

Top 10 Android Games – In this article I have explain list of Top ten android mobile application games. Nowadays all of students has mobile phones & addicted for games. Before coming android phone, most of peoples playing only offline games like cricket, football etc. After coming smart phone all are migrate into online games.

These days every mobiles phones has more features like high level configuration, graphics card, storage spaces & more. This is major reason for using high level top android games India.

best android games

Mostly every games are supported in Android phones. So don’t need laptop or computer needs. They are finished their game level budgets on single mobile phones. It’s very comfortable to play & we can easily handle where we go on any places.

Best & Most Downloaded Games

Okay let’s start our article of Top 10 Android games to explain which games are very popular & most downloaded with good reviews. School & college students are looking for new level risky games. They have latest model phones & laptop. So easily use and enjoy games without any interruption like lagging problem. Software developers are very eager to develop attractive interesting games for impress end users.

1. Dark Days : Zombie Survival

This games was very interesting, once you played then never move on other games. This is shooting action game, animations are very pretty & it’s attract all of end users. Premium options also available on this game. If you’re interest to move on premium that was amazing results for entertainment purpose only. It was suitable in Android Mobile phones & Laptop/PC.

top  10 android games

Game Link on Play Store.

2. Hearthstone

This games was launched in 2014, but still million of users are playing this game. The reason was it’s very thrilling sensitive digital card game. When compare current period it was little bit low installation. Because competitors are everyday raised & launch new type of animation games.

Game Link on Play Store.

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3. Rebel Racing

It was one of the best racing game. The graphics are very awesome to play, every levels are suspense & new tools are upgraded automatically. The fun was driver to end user go on next level into a game. In some places controls are not working properly, otherwise it was nice to place .

rabel racing game

Game Link on Play Store.

4. Update Soon..

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