Ticket Booking System Python

Here let’s see how develop Ticket Booking System Python in the category of Bus, Train, Movie, Airline Flight. These days most of persons are book their tickets via mobile application. Because nowadays we are living on digital world & everyone has smart phone with basic awareness.

So they are flexible to book tickets on favorite seat place. When get tickets without pre-booking they are give some seat & that was sometimes not comfortable for us. This is the major reason for most of person book their tickets online.

Already we have implement this type of project in various technologies like PHP, Android & Java. Suppose if you need this go for it on the category of PHP Projects.

Mainly in this type of concepts useful for college students who are looking for final year or mini projects for MCA, B.Tech, B.Sc Computer science departments.

Project Analysis

Here we need 10 plus modules for implement best featured concepts. Through the help of API we able manage more ticket reservation concepts. That’s the special for using API, but few peoples don’t know about the usage of API services.

ticket booking system python

As a result write more code & services it’s affect our time & server space. So first learn about API authentication then you can able develop more projects in single API calling method.

If you are beginner in API ? Just read the official documentation.

Here I have use tkinter for execute the project. I hope already you know about the particular domain.

It’s the GUI package for implement user interface for better experience. In the beginning it was little but hard to understand the queries. But after going on few days you are experts in the particular technology.


  1. Multiple Ticket Booking
  2. API Services
  3. Online Payment
  4. Ticket Reminder
  5. Email/Phone number verification
  6. Available Bus/Train/Flights/Movies
  7. Confirmation page
  8. Cashback Offers (Optional to Implement)

Phone number verification is one of the best features. Because through this we able to stop the fake entries like dummy registration for some of spam users. That’s was waste our time & also possible to hack our entire system.

For the large scale application Python Django is one of the good option.

How to Run?

First you have to download the source code in end of article. After that following my below steps for run on your own system.

  • pip install tkinter
  • pip install openpyxl
  • pip install smtplib

Ticket Booking System Python

I hope above information helps to understand the project & if you are facing any issues regarding this just comment below we are always ready to solve your errors. We have collection all technology project with free source code. Therefore in your free time visit our blog to get more information.

Education is must for everyone, because through this only we able to become a star & earn more money. That’s why our parents are forces us to get more marks.

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