Tic Tac Toe Android Studio Source Code

Here I explain how to make simple and advanced Tic Tac Toe Android game with free source code. Once upon a time TicTacToe game is very popular & now also most of users addicted to play this game. Behind the reason is it’s very interested and easy to use. No knowledge required for playing this games. So teenage to old aged peoples also able to access the game.

Still number of old aged peoples are played this game on offline. Both options are available because the concepts are much like by every person who have more interest on gaming sector. Already we are developing this project in Python program. However some college students are request to create in Java program. That’s why here develop this project in android studio platform.

We are using SQLite database for store the user records. Like who compete the game to display the score and stored on database. Totally two players are access the game, the one is robot & another one is end user. When we are own the games the scores automatically stored on SQLite database. After that we can view our achievement score on any time. Every time changed when new scores will be updated.

Create Project – Tic Tac Toe Android

Okay let’s see how to create android game using java program. If you are new in app development then should go for unity platform. Because which has more features when compared to android studio domain. For that we need strong knowledge in programming skills.


  1. Android Studio
  2. SQLite
  3. Java
  4. XML
  5. Glide Library

Tic Tac Toe Screenshot

Check the below screenshot file after that decide it’s worth or not. Similarly it’s like sample of project output, then only getting clear idea for how it’s executed on our device. On the other hand two players are activated at a same time. In the most of games, robots will beat the users. But here we are not using those strategies for beat the unknown user.

tic tac toe android
tic tac toe android studio game
android tic tac toe game source code

Source Code

Above all contents are helps to build easiest tic tac toe game using android studio platform. We have collection of android games with free source code. So once check our code after that decide which is best for your requirements. And the most of application has Google AdMob features with testing ads. You can able to make money via the apps when deploy on play store.

For example in below I have mentioned some games which is developed on java program. And we sure it’s helps to build your own games without any issues.

  1. Cricket Game
  2. Car Racing Game
  3. Free Fire
  4. PubG
  5. Minecraft
  6. Chess
  7. Ludo

All the game source code’s are available on our blog with proper documentation.

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