Study Material Education Website Source Code PHP MySQL

In this tutorial I explain how to develop Study Material Education Website project using PHP & MySQL programming language. Current days most of the schools/colleges & organizations are choosing online education system to provide exam (which means quiz), study materials, results, audio and video files. Behind the reason is it’s completely save the time & energy for manual works. This is one of the major reason like why everyone should choose e-learning platform.

Another major reason is we can access exam and files on anytime and anywhere with help of mobile device. These are all facts to switch in offline mode to online learning management system. Here we are covered only materials related contents. It means students able to download the particular files which is upload by faculties or admin who are manage the organization.

We have another one version with all features like online quiz (exam), download question bank, classes (live online), video & audio files. Both of free and premium courses are available, when users are select premium then able to access all of material like locked contents of entire media files. The plans are like monthly or weekly basis to join the program.

Premium Website Features

Number of features are available on premium section. For example purpose in below I add some screenshots after that you are getting some idea about projects. However free plan also available but it has limited benefits like able to download only PDF materials.

  1. Online Exam (Quiz – Result publish)
  2. List Subject wit Study Material Download Such as PDF, Doc files.
  3. Then students able to hear audio file which is represented on during the class periods.
  4. Attend Quiz with Multiple choice based questions
  5. Download Question Bank without User
  6. No Logout which means one users have access just only mobiles. So after create the account the app was not login and we will remove session in background of process levels.
  7. Only Register button
  8. Payment Gateway Available & Online Paid Courses (Beta)

Create Project – Study Material Education Website

Okay let’s see the steps for how to develop online course based leaning management system project using Core PHP programming langues. If you have good knowledge in framework then move on Laravel or CodeIgniter etc. Because it has lot of in-built benefits, moreover layout also good like Material Design.

Bootstrap plugin helps to design our pages in material design format. Recent days most of the end users are looking for good user interface & experience. Then only they are continuously utilize the exact output from users end.


Totally three modules are available in students section. Admin manually upload PDF or audio files into students. This is the concept for manage both classes & materials to learn about latest updated knowledge.

  1. Homepage (Notes, Classes, Question Bank, Online Quiz)
  2. Exam page
  3. Admin Login Panel
  4. Upload PDF file
  5. Manage Audio (mp3) files
  6. Moreover also manage the students
  7. Feedback
  8. Student Full information

Also read about Gold Scheme Jewellery App Android for owners who have own jewellery shop worth some of users. Because then only customer able to join the scheme based on Weekly or monthly.

Screenshots (Demo) – Study Material Education Website

Once checkout project output files after that you are getting some idea about how to configure server, database management system, exam, quiz, question bank with answer key and so many details are requested by the particular company.

study material education website
study material question bank

Source Code

I hope above all contents are helps to find out the project. For more details once visit our premium section to cover all benefits. However it’s not for free you have to some of amount to enroll all the classed which is available under premium plan. So purchase option is very useful for students and payment gateway available like Razorpay, CCAvenue, Cashfree, Paytm etc..

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