Search Engine Project Source Code

In this article let’s see how develop search engine project source code like Google, Yahoo, Bing. Google is the number one browser in this world. Generally 93% peoples are using Google others are use Microsoft browsers. Search Engine Project is not easy for develop everyone because lot complication’s are there to this concept.

We can easily develop Static Search Engine like store from database & retrieve in other side when client search relevant information. But we need dynamic engine for search current updates from top news channels.

For example Google every second crawl & indexing major sites. That’s why still Google is the number one browser in this world. Google showing only true & matching information. Therefore billions of peoples choice is Google.

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Project Overview

This project developed by Python Django framework. Android Studio Java PHP Flutter Angular also able to apply but via the Python easy to develop search engine type of project. Behind the reasons are listed in upcoming sections.

When starts with PHP we can’t extend with large scale & security issues also raised. But via the Python clear all major problems.

JavaScript & Node used for communicate server side for calling values from database. SQL and MongoDB is the good option for store values.

search engine project source code


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose


The initial step was need to crawl web pages then only we able to indexing the page & showing results from search engine. Therefore here first crawling the sites who are submit their website URL from our database.

To start the process first add the list of website URL in crawl_list collection which is MongoDB. After the run the docker using the following command.

docker -compose run web flask crawl


After finishing the crawl setup we need to index the web pages. For that use below command,

docker -compose run web flask index

For the full documentation click here & this project credit goes to Mr. Nicholas Kajoh

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I hope above steps are helps to build Search Engine Project Source using Python Flask. If you have any doubts regarding this comment below I will try to rectify the errors. We need large database server for develop real time search engine then only able to give the perfect results.

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