Recipe App Android Studio

In this article I have explain how create Online Food Cooking Recipe App android studio platform. This application widely used for list out the cooking categories as well as video files. Recyclerview concepts are used here to develop the recipe application. Because data stored in JSON file and retrieved via java code.

If you are good in cooks then you have develop your own application. Through this we able to make money when posting on Google play store. But YouTube occupy more fans because we able to watch live videos alternative of text formats. Peoples are easily understand when watching videos.

This is the major reason for app users day be day decreased. And starts to using YouTube videos and lot of open source videos are available. We need server for storing all the files otherwise it take more client spaces. So here we are recommend to use Firebase cloud database.

Key Features

This app has plenty of features like below,

  1. Opened via both of landscape & portrait.
  2. Share recipes from social networks
  3. List of Categories
  4. Color Themes
  5. Material Design
  6. Live Notification
  7. AdMob Integration


  1. Android Studio
  2. Java
  3. XML
  4. Firebase
  5. Server Space (Minimum 1GB)

Database Section

Firebase is recommended database for online server management system projects. So here Firebase is perfect choice for making recipe application. Because entire data is stored and accessed via JSON file. The entire project output is text based, so JSON only enough for getting perfect output.

Important part is user interface so we have concentrate for UI designing part. If you are using material design then the project structure looks like awesome. Suppose if you don’t have knowledge on Material, once read the official documentation for more details.

Recipe App Android Studio – Create Project

Let’s start how to create online recipes android application. Here we did not develop Admin panel, if you are developing then we have to use MySQL & PHP for further integration. The added advantage is, admob is integrated on this source code with banner ads.

So if you are plan to upload this application on Play Store ? Then this app for you. We have already uploaded this application for my clients portal and executed fine.

For that you need separate server for storing the recipe files or using free source like Github, motion hosting etc. But premium is better for high performance.


Once check the screenshot file of Recipe app android studio project. After that decide whether it’s useful or not because every developers has different type of designs & concepts. But you can able customize this code based on your own requirements. So once check the below output file.

recipe app android studio
recipe app android project
recipe app android

Recipe App Android Source Code

I hope above all code & images are helps to find out the the project structures and features. Moreover you an test after executing on your device. Through this application you can customize this one based on user taste. Because overall concepts are matching via this design. Apart from this we have collection of android project with free of cost.

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