Python Django MongoDB CRUD

In this article I explain how develop Python Django MongoDB CRUD operation example with some of demo projects. When demonstrate with sample project, you can easily able to understand the concepts. Already we publish one article which is used in Python MySQL CRUD performance.

Most of developers are prefer Django MySQL and some largest companies are use MongoDB to store more data from non structural database.

The RESTful API web services accessing data from student details project. Therefore here I have plan to implement real time student management system. As a result we able to edit, update, delete & create new record from database.

Start MongoDB Server

First we need to start the database server for further communication to client side. For example create one database with the name of vetridb, then make queries for receive the client data.

When deploy the project on server, surely start the database query for turn on the storage sector. Then only track the errors, table fields, columns rows, key values etc.

Suppose you are beginner in MongoDB ? Once read the official documentation for learn more about database & table queries.


Follow the below commands,

  1. Django pip install django
  2. MongoDB
  3. Django Rest Framework pip install djangorestframework


However when need to update or insert the record, make the execution query from the framework.

/students retrieve all student details

/students/<id> retrieve details from the particular students via primary key (ID)

As usual follow the other operation of Delete & update the student information.

Python Django MongoDB CRUD Screenshots

Above all was helps to understand the concept & see the screenshot for analyze about entire project. If it’s okay for you then move on the upcoming section to get source code.

python django mongodb crud

Python Django MongoDB Source Code

In conclusion hopeful above instruction helps to build Python Django MongoDB CRUD operation on your system. If face any issues just comment below we are always online to help our blog readers. In the beginning always hardest so never give up on learning program code.

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