POS Inventory Management Flutter

Here I explain how to implement POS Inventory Management Flutter project using Dart programming language. Point of Sale is one of the most common feature for sell our products into customers in digital methods. For example we can able sell our products in EMI based, because most of the business owners are now adding EMI features. Then only customers are willing to buy most of the things, behind the reason is it’s very convenient to pay monthly basis.

The biggest advantage is we can manage entire store like products stocks, sales, purchase list, customer information, profit, loss and more. Each & every things are managed via admin side with proper back-up features. But in the offline methods there is no back-up option available for us. This is also one of the main reason for why people’s are like digital methods.

Flutter with Firebase Database

Google Firebase is one of the best cloud database for manage our entire data, because it has lot of features such as authentication, API services, handle traffic etc. Number of authentications are available like Email/Password, Mobile Number OTP, Social Media (Facebook, Google, LinkedIn). Moreover OTP with Auto verification features also available on Firebase.

Suppose if you are good in MySQL then you can start with SQL queries, but here you have to manually implement queries for authentication steps, enable Google Services such as Map, Drive, Analytics and more.


  1. Welcome Screen
  2. OTP Verification
  3. Create User Information
  4. Homescreen
  5. Navigation Menu Drawer
  6. Settings
  7. List Products/Create New
  8. Select Category
  9. Product Details
  10. Payment Mode
  11. Manage Stocks
  12. Purchase Report
  13. Add new Customers
  14. View/Assign Orders
  15. Statistics
  16. Main Dashboard Analytics
  17. Edit & Manage Stocks

Also Read – Food Delivery App Flutter

Admin Panel – POS Inventory Management Flutter

Admin panel is very important part for upload our products, track customers, analytics reports, purchase, edit stock, new entry, payment methods and more functions are available on admin side. The API’s are written by PHP programming language. We are using Laravel framework for create admin panel in our project.

Then only able to connect Dart programming language with Flutter framework. Additionally need to purchase hosting service for deploy our code into live server.

POS Inventory Management System Flutter – Features

  1. OTP based verification
  2. Add/Edit/Delete Products/Stocks/Purchase
  3. User Friendly Navigation
  4. Easy to use
  5. Responsive Design
  6. CMS Pages
  7. Customers
  8. Suppliers
  9. Expenses
  10. Customer Selection
  11. Order Type
  12. All Sale Report (Monthly,Daily,Yearly,Weekly)
  13. QR Barcode Scanning
  14. Navigation Drawer Menu
  15. Add Customer to POS
  16. Quick Billing & Access
  17. Invoice Creation

Screenshot – POS Inventory Management Flutter

pos flutter android app
inventory management flutter
pos admin panel flutter php

Source Code

Actually this source code is not for free you have to pay some amount for us then we are installed and executed on the particular project on your system. To check the live demo just contact us for arrange demo features within a days.

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