Portfolio Website PHP

In this article I have explain how to create and build online portfolio website PHP HTML, CSS, JavaScript program. Portfolio is very important section for every developers because through this only we able to expose our talents into this world. Otherwise no one see our past achievements and works.

So in most of websites portfolio section available for represent our previous jobs and projects. If not there then we have to manually build the websites. The process is very easy and we don’t need database help for build the online portfolio website using HTML and CSS Code.

However if you are plan to build high level and high scalability portfolio then choose MySQL or Firebase cloud database which is best choice for us.

Another category of peoples are search like how build own portfolio website builder to create pages for our website. For example Elementor plugin, which is used to automatically build our website within a minutes with the help page builder features. But for that we need more knowledge and high level optimized database need for develop fastest response code.

Also Read – Create Website/Blog WordPress

Because for the page builder project we need speed integration then only content is changed within a seconds. Otherwise it’s not help to build the web pages ans users also hate to use your services.

How Make Portfolio Website

Already I told there is two options for us.

  1. With Database
  2. Without database

For the local or business related sites, you can select without database. Because via the HTML CSS program we complete this project otherwise database is best option for making portfolio website.

So the choice is yours based on your requirements. Suppose if you plan to just build portfolio website then go for without database or plan to build entire page via your own page builder option then choose MySQL or Firebase database.

Create Project

Okay let’s start to see how build online portfolio website using PHP language. If you have good knowledge in HTML & CSS then it’s enough because here we have just show the existing project. Therefore it’s like static website and don’t make any complication process for this system.

Portfolio Website Main Feature

In this project additionally we have to develop admin section for add the portfolio on any time. Because it’s very easy and our time also saving to post every new project. Suppose if we are not developing admin section panel, then for the every updates we manually add the project via code section.

So it takes more time alternatively through the admin page easily post our regular portfolio.


Once check the below screenshots for understand the entire project and for more output files, just download the entire source code in below section. Admin page very helps to add your portfolio projects on client or your own website.

portfolio website php
portfolio website about page php
portfolio website using php

Portfolio Website PHP Code

I hope above code helps to build the portfolio project on your site. You can add any section as your wish because everything is assigned on structured way from MySQL database. Alternative way is manually add our project on source code list, but that’s not a recommended way.

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