PHP SMS API Integration

Here I explain how to develop PHP SMS API Integration steps for completing our digital products. Nowadays mostly every web & mobile applications have OTP verification methods. So we have to get API for send messages to the customer phone numbers. Therefore in this tutorial let’s see the steps for how integrate Message API into our PHP code. In this example we are using Exotel API services for send messages to the particular customers who are used our applications.

Exotel is one of the best API providers who are provide cheap rate but services & supports are great. Already lot of companies are available to give API access permission. When compared everything my personal suggestion is Exotel which company founded in 2011. The founders name are Shivakumar Ganesan, Vijay Sharma, Siddharth Ramesh & Ishwar Sridharan. This company getting more positive reviews from developers that’s why here I recommend the exotel.

exotel sms api service

On the other hand way2sms, ringcentral also best but it has lot of features and benefits when compared to the price. Most of projects are currently using exotel for sending OTP based messages like login, payment related queries etc. IF you are choosing framework like Laravel then no need to go for third party API services. With help of Google Firebase we can easily integrate the steps.

Exotel SMS API features

  1. Easy to use
  2. Well Documentation
  3. Status about Delivery Reports
  4. Automation Process
  5. Auto & Manual SMS
  6. Easily Migrate new one
  7. Fastest delivery responses
  8. User friendly dashboard navigation

Most of top companies are using Exotel to send SMS services like Quikr, DocEngage, Nearbuy, Vedantu, BookRyde, Haptik etc.

Create Project – PHP SMS API Integration

Okay let’s see about the steps for how create API service for some of the sample web application. For example you can create simple chat application using Core PHP. And this project we have to create login form & also sell some products to enable the payment gateways. Totally in two places we have to use the OTP mobile SMS verification. One is create new account/forget password to retrieve the new one via mobile validation. Alternatively you can also build via email verification.

php sms api integration
credits – Exotel

Second one is payments related concepts. When we make the payments, OTP will send into our registered mobile number. So that time we have to use Exotel service for enable to send messages to the customer number.

Ringcentral – PHP SMS API Integration

Ringcentral is the best SMS provider API services. If you are facing any issues or feel hard to use ? Then you can migrate into Ringcentral for better performance. A lot of features are available one well documentation structure to easily learn the integration process.

Also Read – PHP Payment Gateway Integration Steps.

Source Code

I hope above all steps are helps to build the integration steps. Moreover you can learn more guidelines in source code section. If you are facing any issues just read official documentation for get more stuffs and procedures.Actually this is very demand topic and most of software companies are using SMS API for sending messages.

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