PHP Login Logout Session

In this tutorial I have explain how develop the exercise of PHP Login Logout Session example with source code. Actually session used for in some of the best reasons. They are, Retrieve and Store the previous used data from our website like storing temporary information. Moreover main objective is validate the authorized user and only have accessing rights. Sessions are stored in server side where our login information will be stored such as database.

Most of software companies are assigned this task for clear the technical interviews. So I hope it’s surely helps to create perfect and easiest way of PHP Login Register example with validation using session. This is very simple task, so some IT companies are assigned this type of live development work for check your programming knowledge.

php login logout session
php login logout example source code

Above images are clearly explain the project output. Actually this is demo purpose that’s why here we are not give importance for designing code. So later that you have to change the entire design and the sessions concept are working fine without any issues. However design is not mandatory for us, we need only techniques like how implement the session code.

Create Project – PHP Login Logout

Okay let’s see about the steps and code for how develop login form using PHP code. When we are using framework like Laravel, then the session codes are automatically added via library files. But in core PHP we have to manually create and validate the forms. For the sample purpose first we have create login form and then after successful message it will be automatically logout using sessions.

If we are not using session then it will always opened and may be other persons are accessing our data. That’s why every social media sites and payment gateway providers are set sessions for inactivity usage of every 5 to 10 minutes. So session is essential for best web applications and able to maintain secure connections.


  1. PHP
  2. HTML
  3. CSS
  4. JavaScript (Form Validation)

No need to use MySQL database for initiate the sessions. But without SQL we can’t able to create any dynamic projects. Moreover in this example we did not using MySQL code and here it’s optional only. In later that you can use those features on your upcoming projects.

Also Read – PHP Projects with Free Source Code

Features – PHP Login Logout

Here there is no additional feature for this project. Because it’s not a project, just s simple module so did not able to explain the benefits. Only one things are available, that’s a session based validation for avoid the duplicate entries.

Source Code

Above all code is helps to build PHP Login Logout session example using Core code. The entire code is available on below button and if you are facing any issues just contact us for solve the problems. It’s very essential so via the simple code here I explain the concepts.

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