Phone Number Location Tracker Android App

In this tutorial I have explain how develop Phone number location tracker application using android studio platform. This is the new technology, through this we easily track someone who steal our mobile phone. After the technology introducing, police teams are easily find out the missing mobile phones. Otherwise we can’t able to track the exact user location.

Google also officially launch one android application and which is used for find mobile phone in the particular area only. For example some distance latitude and longitude geographic location.

Geographical location is must for find the exact place. After that track Phone IMEI number get the status of proper address. Already we have make Tracking web application through this concept and which is developed by Python program.

Android app is widely used by billion of peoples so application is very comfort for everyone when compared to web application. However when we use web application we get more features because python supports major tracking library files.

Phone Number Location Tracker

Okay let’s start to create how track mobile number location using our android phone number. Some restrictions are we have to follow for find the exact place get missing things. For example may be the phone is out of network connection, no sim card, remove chips and more difficulties are possible.

Moreover sometime it’s very complicate process when someone operate who have some knowledge in cyber security field. Because cyber security help us to track the exact user location and find out the missing products.

Who can use this service ?

Actually if you have good knowledge in both of program and cyber security filed then you can able to access this service. Otherwise also try your best and sometime getting exact results from user end when they are not switch of mobile phone. Because that time we easily track the exact location via latitude & longitude API services.

The police department easily find the exact solution because they have all facilities like all controls from cyber security team. That’s why police teams are easily fetch the exact user location.

Phone Number Location Tracker Screenshots

Once check the output file of location tracker using android studio platform. And I hope it’s surely helps to build your own application. Step by step we are explain every modules so easily get the results when following the on screen procedure.

phone number location tracker
phone number location tracker app android studio

For more screenshots just download the full source code and it’s available on next section. However you need strong knowledge in Java then only here we develop this project.

Source Code

Click below button to download the source code. We tested this application on our device so it’s running fine one your mobile. Through the application you can find out the missed mobile phones and we need some hardware tool for integrate software system.

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