Pharmacy Management App Android Studio

In this article I have explain how develop pharmacy management App android studio platform. Actually pharmacy is one of the major essential needed things for everyday life. So most of business peoples are providing this service on home delivery features. And another one category peoples are looking for how entirely mange the pharmacy medical products.

Through this we are easily find the out of stock things, products stock, price list, profit & expenses and more. This is the major reason for why most peoples are migrate into online based software services. Even rural area stores are starts to introduce the home delivery features.

Here we did not using API service for grant permission to third party providers. Moreover Admin panel is major advantage for manage our application. But in this project we are not adding those benefits but in future surely updated the missing features.


  1. Java
  2. SQLite
  3. XML
  4. Android Studio IDE

Create Project – Pharmacy Management App

As usual first you have to create new project in android studio and then following the on step procedure. After that make new connection with database end to store the client information. In this example we are using SQLite database, if you have good knowledge in Firebase ? Then go for that because it has lot of features when compared to other database.

Previously we are created pharmacy project using PHP for develop the web based application. Once check live demo, after that you get some idea like how additionally added benefits for this projects. Because each project has unique feature and we may be apply those modules for getting more subscribers.


Before see the advantages of this projects, first I explain some of things which is related to pharmacy system. However it’s mandatory to customize the code as per your own requirements. Suppose if your purpose is just demo then simple leave the steps.

  1. Form Validation
  2. Individual Login for Both Admin & Users
  3. Responsive Design
  4. User Friendly Navigation
  5. OTP verification
  6. Social Media Authentication (oAuth)
  7. Track the Location
  8. Able to view the delivery person or store owner number
  9. Update the orders via Email or Mobile number
  10. Online Payments & Cash on Delivery

Pharmacy Management App Android Screenshots

Let’s see the project output file, whether it’s useful or not for your requirements. If okay then move on the next section to download the source code without any cost. Otherwise just leave and go for other source files.

You can use maximum of all modules and benefits like able to manage the stocks, reminder of out of stocks, find the profile, sales report generation etc. Moreover you can also book the doctor appointments for emergency period.

pharmacy management app android studio
pharmacy android
pharmacy app android studio

Source Code

Above all explanation and output files are helps to find out the path of pharmacy project. After that you can change the designs or overall concepts with your own requirements. Already we are adding important feature so additionally no need extend the service of quality.

If you are change the designs then it’s looks like unique from others. Therefore just change CSS file to get new layout of your own code.

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