Online Banking System PHP MySQL

Online Banking System PHP MySQL – In this article we will see how to implement the online banking system project using PHP and MySQL. Its web based online payment banking system developed by PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript. These days most of online payment gateways available like PayuMoney, Google Pay, Paytm, Razorpay, ccavenue, instamojo, paypal and more. UPI (Unified Payment Interface) also available to make our payment very easy.

Banking system is mandatory for every users. Because nowadays every peoples has UPI application. So through this they are easily make their transactions.

Everything is online based and peoples also like online banking deposit and transaction because no one steal our money. Banks are gives 100 security in our money that’s why every bank customers are link with bank to do their daily transaction. That is very user friendly also more time and energy will be saved on online banking system developed in PHP vetbossel. For more PHP Project check and download free source code.

Create Project

Okay lets start, online banking system project is not an easy task for doing everybody. We need to ask some legal permissions for implement this type of application. Government restrict some information which is not implemented anymore on future. Every payment gateway providers are submit legal permission into a government department. Then only we communicate with end user like our customer or business mentors.

banking system php

If you are college student then this is the best project for your career. Because here i have implement many other things like password encryption, HTTP request response, session validation, cookie based tracking and more features are developed in this project. It will be helpful for you when work with real time project on your company.

Online banking system Modules

In this project totally three modules. These three members are only access the online banking system PHP MySQL. Other user like third party users have no permission to access the portal. The three modules are,

  1. Admin Module
  2. Staff Module
  3. Customer Module

Admin Module

Admins are everything accessed on this website. They are able to maintain every customers account and bank working staff details and more details. Admins have permission to edit the user account and staff account like email id name password everything.

online banking system

Staff Module

Staffs are able to access the customer entire account and they are accept and reject the user ATM card request and cheque book request. Adding the beneficiary request and able to permit the customer card and book details.Staffs are must be approve customer activation before it can be used for transferring amounts.

online banking system php mysql

Customer Module

First every customers are create one account using the personal details and some other government information. After fill the form, bank staff members are accept their request. Then only customers are able withdraw and deposit the money. In any time they are raise the mini statement, ATM card, Cheque book request and transfer the funds through the internet banking system.

Online Banking System Live Demo

I hope now you got one idea how its working and how to handle and modify the project. Before downloading the source code once you have to see the live demo of online banking system project using PHP MySQL.

Online Banking System PHP MySQL Source Code

Here you can download the full source code of online banking system using PHP. Suppose if you are facing any problem on this code, just comment below i will help to solve your queries.

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