Library Management Project C sharp

In this article I have explain how develop library management project C Sharp language. Actually this is the first project in C sharp language, because before that I published only PHP, Python, Java projects. Some students and software developers are request to create projects on framework. That’s why here we will start our journey in C Sharp programming language.

ASP .NET is differ from other technologies framework. But through this we able to develop web applications, desktop software, mobile apps and more. Mostly desktop application are developed by using .NET framework. Here this project also one of the best example for online library management system software.

Through this project you can manage both of Librarian and Students. When compared to web application, desktop software is best choice and easy to use by everyone. But it take more time and knowledge need for implement desktop based software. Because if we make any errors then total software is not running unlike web apps.

Create Project

I hope already you know the basic steps for create project using C Sharp programming language in framework. C# is most powerful programming language and still most of top companies are using .NET technology. Already you know this it’s a Microsoft service and millions of programmers are choose C Sharp for their projects.

First I have to explain all the features and modules after that you can easily understand the concepts. Suppose if you want this project in other technology like PHP or Python ? If yes we have available with free of cost. You can able to download lot of projects in PHP.

Library Management Project Main Module

  1. Students
  2. Librarian
  3. Admin


  1. Login Page / Create Account
  2. Forgot Password
  3. Add Book
  4. Issue Book
  5. Borrow Book
  6. Return
  7. Librarian approval
  8. Final Report

above all is major forms and still some minor forms are there which is not much important to this project. So I hope above forms are helps to build this project.

Some of things are casual which is followed my most of institution and here we give permission for 10 plus librarians. Separate librarians assigned for each departments so easily able to maintain the book records.

Librarian Modules

The initial steps every librarian is manually need to apply request to admin who manage the entire college. For example here we assume principal is admin for this role and librarian means all the faculties from technical departments.

Principal need to approve every staff based on their experience and skills. After that particular librarian assigned to mange their own department.

All the functionalities are working fine so you are really enjoy this project because it has lot of features and user friendly navigation. Uneducated persons also easily able use this software on laptop.

Library Management Project C Sharp Screenshots

However once check the output file after that surely you are feel like this is very nice project. You can do more things and customize works on this software system so later apply on the particular places.

library management project c sharp
library management project c sharp issue book
library management project c sharp login page

For more screenshots just download the source code next section. Because here it will collapse the design when uploads all the images. That’s why here I have added just 3 images only for knowing the project status.

Source Code

I hope above all contents and explanation helps to analyze the entire code. Moreover this project surely improve your knowledge as well as career opportunity when working on this ideas. You can develop your own project similar of this, then only you get some idea for how others are develop project via own code.

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