Laravel CRUD Source Code

Let’s see how develop Laravel CRUD Source Code using MySQL & Firebase cloud database. This is the common task for every programmers who are attend technical interview. Generally without knowing CRUD we did not perform any operation into the particular program. That’s most of companies are give this task for interview purpose and me also getting this task when I am facing interview.

So in this tutorial I will explain what are the requirements we need to follow for implementing this example. I hope already you have basic knowledge in Database section like MySQL or Firebase. Both are best in software industries. If you are developing long termed project then choose MySQL otherwise go for Firebase for the fastest services.

However here I explain both tutorials and may be it’s very useful some of developers are students. Before starting that once read the official documentation. After that you get clear knowledge and easy to recover the code logic. The Laravel current version is 9 and in this tutorial we cover the version of 8 & there is no major difference so don’t worry about the versions.

Laravel CRUD

Okay let’s see how create Create Read Update Delete operation using PHP laravel framework. For example we get any of project like School Management System or simply assign post and delete data from server. If we implement this action via the project then we learn more knowledge that’s why here I recommend some of sample projects.

So initially start project with basic functionality but it’s accomplish the CRUD operation. Suppose if you build this project in some of client or test our knowledge then I recommend to integrate AdminLTE features.

Already we are posted one article for how integrate AdminLTE panel into Laravel project. Therefore once go through the above link then you may know to follow the steps.


  1. PHP
  2. PHP Extension
  3. XML PHP Ex
  4. Mbstring
  5. Tokenizer

How to Install

Most of beginners are have no knowledge for install the framework and how to run laravel project. So here I give one small introduction for what are the steps we have to follow for installing the framework. Composer is mandatory for execute the framework based projects.

  1. composer install
  2. npm installl
  3. php artisan migrate
  4. php artisan serve

Then open browser to check the project status.

Laravel CRUD Screenshots

Once check the project screenshots for understand the system. After check out the output you get clear idea for how it’s execute on your system. Fore more details visit our project directory to get more ideas & source code concepts.

laravel crud
laravel crud source code

Source Code

I hope above code helps to build the project and moreover output file useful for analyze the code. AdminLTE is the perfect integration for developing high level user interface project. In the next project I make article for implement via Firebase database here am using MySQL database queries.

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