Hotel Booking System PHP Source Code

In this article I have explain how develop online hotel booking system PHP and MySQL database with source code. It’s one of the major project and every business peoples are now looking for online website for book hotels. So here through our website every users are easily reserve their rooms without facing any issues. Most of booking platform not user friendly, so some customers facing struggle during the time.

Already we are uploaded hotel management system using PHP program. But that not so much features and that was implemented via Laravel frameworks. Therefore here we are additionally fix the bugs and write code using Core PHP program. Because most of college students are learn code from Core concepts. That’s why here we are implementing one copy using Core PHP concepts.

The main objective is end users are easily navigate our portal & reserve their room without any interruption. Online Support features also enabled on this projects, because it’s helpful for non educated peoples who have no technical knowledge.

Create Project – Hotel Booking System

Okay let’s see the steps for how create online room booking system project using PHP & MySQLi database. Core PHP is recommended because then only you get some knowledge in the particular program. Otherwise we did not able to contribute large scale projects like next level of software applications.

As usual via this code you can book your rooms with online payment integration. Every business owners are accept only online payments. So it’s mandatory for enable this feature to our project. Therefore here I have integrate Instamojo payment gateway for receive payments from customers. Instamojo is very easiest documentation so within a hour we able complete the processing steps.


  1. PHP
  2. MySQLi
  3. HTML
  4. CSS
  5. Bootstrap
  6. Sublime Text IDE

Hotel Booking System PHP Features

Let’s see the list of feature where we are additionally give extra features for end users. Already I told every project has some features but here we are specially redesigned the entire code to deliver better user experience for customers.

  1. Responsive Design
  2. Payment Gateway Integration
  3. OTP verification
  4. Message Alert
  5. Track the Room Status
  6. User Friendly Navigation
  7. Material Design
  8. Social Media Authentication
  9. Form Validation
  10. Able to check the availability

Hotel Booking Screenshots

Once check the project output file of live demo, after that you are getting clear idea like how it’s executed. And which type of modules and forms are executed on the system. We are respect the user time, that’s in every project adding this feature to reduce a execution time on your system.

hotel booking system php
hotel booking system project rooms php

Source Code

I hope above all source code helps to build the hotel management reservation booking system using PHP & MySQLi. Admin panel features are not added in this project and in future we will add those benefits for getting more views and response from admin end.

OTP functionality only works on server side, so for that you need separate server. It’s not working on localhost server, instead of trying this, go for premium plan to enroll more features. OP is mandatory for this project then only we able to complete the payment orders.

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