Forgot Password Android Studio

In this article I have explain how develop Forgot Password Android Studio User Interface (UI) design and Database configuration. For example here I select both of MySQL & Firebase (NoSQL), because it’s commonly used by most of developers.

In some real time project we need Email or Mobile Number Verification process to verify the user authentication. But in local project we don’t need to initiate OTP verification process and also we need server helps to active this feature. Otherwise not able to send & receive mail from particular providers.

When deploy on server, it manage all the required steps. So in our end no need to getting permissions for accessing the details.

However already we have develop OTP Verification process for recover account and create new accounts. So if you need the concept, just getting from our database. Therefore it’s surely helps to build this concept on your further projects.

Create Project

Firstly we see how create perfect user interface via XML. After that move for next step of database connectivity to verify the password. Generally UI is not need because peoples are always expect user friendly navigation and error free methods.

Moreover we easily implement forms via drag and drop features. Otherwise if you are so familiar in Android domain, then manually write a code.

Forgot Password UI

Okay let’s create the perfect UI for without any lagging. Because when we failed on this stage, then end users are uninstall our application. Nowadays most of competitors are available on market to beat our services. So always care about your code, once we fall down then not able to reach the old place.

forgot password android studio

Source code

End of the article we will provide both of user interface and database concepts. Suppose if you are looking for only designing then just split code. Otherwise move on upcoming section to implement database queries.

Forgot Password Android Studio – Database

Here I am using MySQL database to retrieve old password & generate new one via email. Similarly not deploy on server then the email service not executed. Alternatively we manually set new password with the help of MySQL.

But when compared to Firebase, MySQL setup is little bit complicated. Because Firebase provides cloud service and more features to compare MySQL code.

dependencies {
    implementation ''
apply plugin: ''

Firebase Features

  1. No need server configuration
  2. Real-Time Database
  3. Auto Scaling process
  4. Robust API
  5. Build-in Support for Social Media Authentication like Facebook, Google etc.
forgot password using firebase android studio

It’s only working on server side. However you did have any server don’t worry, you can build this project with the help of heroku cloud platform.

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