Flutter MySQL Database Connection

Flutter MySQL Database Connection – In this tutorial I will explain how connect flutter to MySQL database connection. Like how send data from flutter app into MySQL database. The integration steps are in below I have explained with real time example. When compare to MySQL database Firebase is better option for mobile app development domain.

flutter mysql database connection

Because Firebase is perfect for android application development. But MySQL is perfect for website implementation. So personal suggestion & recommendation is Firebase. Here our post title is MySQL integration so let’s see about the database integration procedure. In every project we can combine, when knows database connections. So learn connectivity first then after that learn about programming basics.

Flutter MySQL Connection

MySQL is a open-source database management system. The name My point founder Michael Widenius and SQL name is abbreviation of Structured Query Language. It’s used for data warehousing, web applications, billing sectors, Software Domain etc. We able to store and access any type of values, the help of sql queries. After connecting database try our other tutorial of Flutter Form Validation example.

var settings = new ConnectionSettings(
  host: 'localhost', 
  port: 3306,
  user: 'vetri',
  password: 'vetrimca',
  db: 'india'
var conn = await MySqlConnection.connect(settings);

Once the database is connected successfully, we start to insert data from the table. In below one simple example how store data from MySQL using flutter.

var results = await query.queryMulti(
    'insert into users (name, email, age) values (?, ?, ?)',
    [['vetri', 'vetri@gmail.com', 26],
    ['boss', 'boss@gmail.com', 28],
    ['selva', 'selva@gmail.com', 29]]);

This query used for store data. Want to see our other popular article, click here to know more about information. Hereafter you are getting some idea like how to connect with any database, for that you need to learn official documentation steps.

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