Flutter Email Verification Firebase

Here I explain how to create and validate Flutter Email Verification Firebase Database in Android Studio platform. Suppose if you are familiar in VS code then you can integrate and workout with particular editor. Because here IDE is not a problem, we should integrate the correct path in both of front-end of Dart & back-end of Google Firebase database.

Moreover the API written by PHP programming language and later that you can customize the forms based on your client requirements. For the sample purpose I just added user name, email address, phone number, education fields and more. Before starts this, you need to read official documentation for getting more ideas. Then only able to fix the bug when raised during a development period of time.

Google Firebase Authentication

Create new account on Gmail then only able to access Google Firebase, after creating account just follow the below link to create new Firebase account. The particular page looks like below image, fore more just follow on steps to complete all procedures.

create firebase account flutter email verification

Click to create project after that give some name for and then accept the terms & conditions. Just accept Google Analytics for your existing project to move on further steps. And now your project was successfully created.

Also check out – Flutter Apps with Free source code

Hereafter you have to choose the platform like Web, Android, Apple, Unity or Flutter. We are working with Flutter projects so you have to click the particular icon and images are looks like below samples.

flutter firebase integration email

After clicking the button the form will opened with following fields such as,

  1. Install Firebase CLI
  2. Install Flutter SDK
  3. Create Flutter Project (flutter create)
firebase cli sdk flutter

If you are already done above steps then just click next button to complete all steps. Suppose if you are still not yet download those dependencies? follow official documentation to complete on screen procedures.

// To initialize the Firebase
import 'package:firebase_core/firebase_core.dart';
import 'firebase_options.dart';

// ...

await Firebase.initializeApp(
    options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform,

Authentication – Flutter Email Verification Firebase

Initially you can set your own email and password for verification steps without getting any further OTP (verification process). It’s for whether the authentication worked or not based on our application status of conditions.

FirebaseUser user = await _firebaseAuth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email: email, password: password);
     try {
        await user.sendEmailVerification();
        return user.uid;
     } catch (e) {
        print("An error occured while trying to send email        verification");


  1. OTP verification
  2. Click link to set Password
  3. No spam
  4. With official name
  5. Responsive

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