E Learning Project PHP

In this article I have explain how to develop E Learning Project PHP and MySQL database. I hope already you know about the definition of what is E learning and the why we used this concept. Suppose if you don’t know once check on google after that you get clear idea about E-Learning domain.

Previously we have develop this concept is Android application, after that some readers are asked web application using PHP frameworks. That’s why here we are making this project using,

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. PHP
  5. MySQL

If you are strong in PHP then go for framework like Laravel. Because through the Laravel we able to access more internal features when compared to core PHP.


There two main modules are processed on this modules. That’s how become a educator and learner via the particular website. The admin wants to assign some spaces for allocate to upload course details. Then only students are able to access the course via live chat and online supports.

  1. To provide the course
  2. Online documentation
  3. Register Course/ Login
  4. Online Payments
  5. Main Dashboard
  6. Add Course/Remove

Above features are maximum covers the overall panel results. However you can once try via below screenshots, then you get clear cut idea about project documentation. So I hope end of the article you are easily sort out the problem within a days.

Steps to Download the Project

  1. Open XAMPP server. If you are install the XAMPP then just download & install from the official website.
  2. After opening the XAMPP just start the service of Apache & MySQL.
  3. Place the project folder in c:/xampp/htdoc/your_project which is downloaded in our website.
  4. Then open browser and go on the following URL of localhost/phpmyadmin.
  5. Import the database
  6. Finally execute the project on web browser.

E Learning Project PHP Screenshots

Once check the E-Learning project PHP MySQL after that decide whether it’s useful or not. E Learning project has more modules because every person need individual space for contribute into the course management system project. E-Learning project has also called as online course system.

e learning project php
e learning project php mysql
e learning project

I hope above screenshot surely helps to understand the structure. Moreover you can customize the designs as per your own requirements. Because here we need only concepts not a designs. Therefore to get a unique design you have to customize the code.

Source Code

Above all contents & screenshots are helps to manage the entire project. We are already tested on our device and every functionalities are working fine without any issues. If get any error just contact us to sort out the problem. Here we are not using framework but some developers are mostly suggest Laravel to the large scale project. And E Learning not a large it’s just like course management system.

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