Complaint Management System Python

In this tutorial I have explain how implement complaint management system Python. This system mostly used in colleges, school, government office, public places and more place. Because through this user able to raise complaint from the particular person.

For example students have permission to write complaint about college management, staffs behavior etc. In the every organization complaint boxes are available to clear the issues. Mostly government offices and private organizations are follow this regulation.

It’s really helps to reduce number of crimes. Because when we make complaint from someone, then the particular person will be punished by admin team. So they are next time not think about for making mistakes.

So we wish and welcome complaint management system projects on everywhere to control the problem. Maximum of private companies are create WhatsApp group for share the problem or complaints.

Complaint Project Modules

Here just five modules enough for place the separate results. For more information discussed by below sections.

  1. Student or Customer
  2. Manager
  3. Employee (Critical Resource)
  4. Admin

For every persons jobs are automatically assigned when they are login to the system. Otherwise we did not able to solve the complaint management system project using Python. Suppose if you are think like this project is very complicate then just migrate into PHP framework.

That’s very easy when compared to Python core language.

complaint management system python

How it’s working ?

  1. Everyone have permission to submit the complaint. For example if you are college student then you have full permission to make complaint about faculties. If the complaint is true, then organization take actions.
  2. After that the complaint will automatically forward to manager.
  3. Hereafter the manager assign complaint to the particular persons.
  4. Finally the person clear the problem and give the update from admin section.

Also Read – Library Project using Python

That’s it. Moreover we can able to make more changes but I think it’s enough for now and in the future we introduce more features.

However most of organization are follow complaint management system to rectify the issues. Because it’s mandatory for everyone who face problem from someone end.

Complaint Management System Python

In conclusion I hope everything is fine & test this project on your machine. If facing any error just comment below we will try to rectify the issues. However you can easily manage the problem because here not using frameworks like Django or Flask. Because it’s very simple concept so no need to integrate framework technologies.

It’s like similar of offline complaint box system. You remember the concept ?. That is very nice and everyone follow and uploads social media accounts. Therefore everything is fine and you can activate this project to submit online enquire from to submit the query.

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