Car Rental Project PHP

In this tutorial I have explain how develop car rental project PHP & MySQL. Currently most persons are like to rent their car for earning profits. Moreover legally some companies also starts this concept like Cars24 website. I think already you know about cars24 which is most popular site for sell & rent the cars.

Through the website they are provide features for customers to view, search and book the cars for specific month. After end of the period we have to deliver the car & get the advance payments. This project very helpful for most business peoples and college students who are to learn car driving in short period of time.


  1. Homepage (Showing all cars) Landing page
  2. Available Cars
  3. Add Car
  4. Car Agency
  5. Checkout
  6. View Orders
  7. Booking Confirmation
  8. Advance Payment
  9. Create Account
  10. Return Car
  11. Online Payment
  12. Final Summary

Regulation of Car Rental Project PHP

Actually this is not a easy project in offline. Because car rate is high so sometime we are facing issues related to car things. For example issue raised on Engine, Tier, Door or anyone of physical solution.

  1. One Customer Rent One car only at a time. For the security purpose we are following this rule. Later that you can change limit as per your own choice.
  2. The customer must pay the advance amount for before book a car.
  3. Discount for Premium membership customers
  4. If car damaged then you have to pay extra amount or clear via service points.


  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap

Travel Agencies

Travel agencies are maximum post their car for rental purpose with acting driver category. For this we able to earn more money however currently we did not provide those features like acting driver concept. May be in the future we are try to implement the particular features.

Car Rental Project PHP Demo

Okay let’s check the project screenshot of car and bike vehicle rental system. It’s similar of online shopping projects and just rename to buy now into Rent now. That’s it. However we have to implement extra modules for pickup and deliver the car from who are pay advance amount via our website. I mean door deliver services also available on this project.

MySQL is perfect choice otherwise we can go for Firebase cloud database system.

car rental project php
login form
php project
car rental orders

Source Code

I hope above all forms and screenshots are helps to execute the project. For the testing purpose only you can implement this project because we need cars for activate the rent system. Otherwise you can tie-up with other car rental company and get commission for every sale.

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