Beauty Parlour Project PHP

Here I explain how to develop Beauty Parlour Project PHP & MySQL database. It’s also called as like the name of Boys & Girls Salon who are decorate their faces with extra ingredients like cream, powder, face wash etc. Currently most of girls are like to study the beauty parlour course, because current days girls are like to glow her faces. As a result now everywhere parlour is opened such as green trends, Vetri Hair & Makeup, Rekha Salon and more.

So here we are creating one web application for Beauty Parlour Management System using PHP language. We are using Core program and f you have knowledge in Framework like Laravel then go for other source who are using the particular concepts. It’s very simple concept that’s we are using Core PHP language.

beauty parlour project php

Through the web application you can book the appointment, track orders, availability and more things. This is the major reason why everyone suggest to use online platform for make the appointments. Otherwise we have to directly reach the offline location and it’s full of time wasting process & Cost. For example purpose here we are adding sample company name, logo etc. Later that you can customize the code as per your own requirements.

How It Works ?

This project has totally three modules includes admin role. Therefore here I explain the works for every person who are manage the role of customers to admin.

  1. Admin
    • Do anything like Create/Delete Appointments
    • Manage all users & employees
  2. Employees (Parlour)
    • Accept the appointments
    • Verify if the users are or legit or scam through the phone call before confirm the orders
    • Manage the Duration of Time for each customers
  3. Customers
    • Check the status about appointments
    • Time & Date of availability
    • Cancel appointment if not able to attend.
    • Post Review about the Saloon

Create Beauty Parlour Project PHP

Let’s see the steps and technologies for how create & manage saloon parlour. In this project we need payment gateway because it’s mandatory to make payments when customer book online appointments. Moreover confirmation mail or phone number methods also need for verify the payments. Therefore we have to integrate the Firebase Push notification for making the verification steps. And it’s optional only because payment providers are send confirmation mail to the customers.

For the Payment Gateway Integration, you have to read our existing articles. Instamojo & Payumoney is very easiest portal for accept & receive payments from users. So the decision is on your end, however I recommend Instamojo for lifetime to a better performance & supports.


  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. PHP
  5. MySQL
  6. Bootstrap
  7. Sublime Text (IDE)

Beauty Parlour Project Screenshots

Once check the project output image file, after that you are getting some idea about the features. That’s why initially we have to add sample image and now displayed rest of pictures. It’s very easy project s you can make any changes as per your own taste.

beauty parlour management system book appointments php
beauty parlour project php services

Source Code

I hope above all contents are helps to build the beauty parlour/saloon management system project using PHP and MySQL. Already we are checking every forms and working fine on our devices. Similarly you are also not facing any issues when deploy on your system.

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