Android Bottom Navigation Bar Example

Here I explain how develop Android Bottom Navigation Bar Example with fragments. Generally every projects need navigation bar and in this tutorial we are going to create bottom navigation menu design. Actually bottom navigation is very easy to use & user friendly results.

That’s why most of developers are build bottom navigation example. If you have good knowledge in android then you can easily built the own code. This example helps to build own navigation with material design layout. The button results are like rounded corner with floating action button.

Programmatically you can change the background color, button layouts, item color, size using material design activities. I hope below example helps to build attractive UI design with fragments. A fragments represent & defines own layout, input events, user interface, properties etc.

Suppose if you have no proper knowledge in Fragment ? Then once read the official documentation for more clarifications.

Also Read – Android Fragment Example

Why Bottom Navigation Bar?

Bottom navigation helps to manage the application in very easiest ways. That’s why most of developers are implement bottom bar for better performance. Recently Flipkar also migrate into bottom bar to show the major menu items.

  1. Home
  2. Categories
  3. Notification
  4. Account
  5. Cart

For the e-commerce based site, we have grab the example. Because easily navigate the button with icon explanation. It’s one of the major advantage why most of developers are recommend the example for build user friendly application. Nowadays everyone have mobile phone, so we able to target mobile audiences. For the laptop users, don’t need this example because they are easily navigate the pages.

Create Project – Bottom Navigation Bar

Okay let’s see how to build the bottom navigation bar example code in android studio platform using Java. Through the kotlin also we get a output with high level features performance. Because kotlin has some inbuilt feature for bottom menu bar example with fragment animation.

In this example we are adding four fragment with image icons. When we replace the text it’s save the place & looks are very clean. You can replace the name & icon in later when modify the application, If you are create ecommerce site then it’s a perfect example without make any changes.

However unique is important, so do some minor changes for make a unique designs. Because peoples are easily find out out copies so we need to give the better results for long terms. Tab features are generally fastest response when compare normal method of menus.


  1. Able to do the customization
  2. Choose & Change the Background style & tabs.
  3. Each tab has own colors & fragments
  4. It supports badges
  5. Easily add tabbed bottom bar with minimal text
  6. Material design
  7. Responsive
  8. Change the colors based on accent
  9. User friendly
  10. Fastest performance

Android Bottom Navigation Bar Screenshots

It’s not a simple bottom bar. Because peoples are looking for advanced material deigns. That’s why here I create the multi featured animation layout for attract the users. If you are providing better navigation then end users are never leave your site.

android bottom navigation bar
android bottom navigation bar example
android studio bottom navigation bar

Source Code

I hope above all android bottom navigation bar example source code helps to build project in android studio platform. For more detailed explanation, you have to go fore video documentation on YouTube. When saw the videos we are easily bale to understand the code.

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