Android App Intro Slider Welcome Screen

Android App Intro Slider Welcome Screen – In this article i will explain how make Android application introduction slider welcome screen in Android Studio. Mostly every peoples like to use android application so we also give a better result them with introduction slider suggestion for customers who install our application. Android Introduction slider is major role because here users are identify concept and know which services are application provided.

When you have plan to develop uniformed & neat android application then must include android app welcome screen when the user first time install android app. The first time only intro slider will be showing then automatically it will be hidden.

After ends the welcome screen we have to add splash screen for display our company or service logo. Read this article for create splash screen in android application Nowadays maximum of every apps are using welcome slider of splash screen to explain about the app description. Therefore I hope surely this project helps to build perfect & animated material design introduction screen.

Android Welcome Screen

Okay lets start our project to make Android app intro welcome screen in Android Studio IDE platform. As usual first create new project and select some activity after creating the project then open default java file of file. Here the file we did not change any code so don’t edit or add code in MainActivity file.

Additionally we create two file, you can give any name for that. After that we have to working on Application intro activity for add the welcome screen when the user open the application in first time. Also check our directories for getting more android projects.

Mostly every application has Introduction of welcome screen because it’s helps to understand the app objectives. So people’s are easily able to understand like what are the benefits are available on particular application.

Android Intro Slider Screen

Most developers are choose many codes for make the app welcome screen but here i have to use small code and you can easily understand the code so this is very important for every android application because when you understand the code you can easily modify entire application as your wish or customer requirements.

Create one java file and add following below code. The file name is The code is,

package com.vetbossel.appintro;

import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import com.github.paolorotolo.appintro.AppIntro;
import com.github.paolorotolo.appintro.AppIntroFragment;

public class AppIntroActivityActivity extends AppIntro {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
     //   setContentView(R.layout.activity_app_intro_activity);
        addSlide(AppIntroFragment.newInstance("First page","This is the First Page Description",R.drawable.welcome, ContextCompat.getColor(getApplicationContext(),R.color.colorAccent)));
        addSlide(AppIntroFragment.newInstance("Second page","This is the Second Page Description",R.drawable.welcome2, ContextCompat.getColor(getApplicationContext(),R.color.colorAccent)));
        addSlide(AppIntroFragment.newInstance("Third page","This is the Third Page Description",R.drawable.come, ContextCompat.getColor(getApplicationContext(),R.color.colorAccent)));

    public void onDonePressed(Fragment currentFragment) {
        startActivity(new Intent(getApplicationContext(),MainActivity.class));

    public void onSkipPressed(Fragment currentFragment) {
        startActivity(new Intent(getApplicationContext(),MainActivity.class));


Android App Intro Slider Output

Here i list three image for Android Intro Slider Welcome Screen output. After check the splash screen animation example you get clear idea like how it’s working on your device. Moreover later that you can customize the code as per your own requirements.

Source Code

You can download the full source code of Android Application Introduction Slider Welcome screen in Android Studio. Click the below button to get full source code of this project. I hope above example helps to create Splash Screen with animation example in android studio platform.

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