Airline Reservation System Python

In this project let’s see how develop Airline Reservation System Python projects. Mostly nowadays a lot of peoples are like to going on flights. Because money is not a problem, their motive was just fulfill the dreams. That’s why students also willing to implement Airline ticket booking project using python Django framework.

Already I have published this project on PHP Language. Suppose if you are looking for PHP, then go for that otherwise continue the full sections.

You can use this source code on various management system like Bus, Train Railway, Movies, Hotel etc. Because concept was same , user variations only differs based on the particular domain. Generally airline system not easy to develop everyone, need strong knowledge in python. Then only able to fix the issues when facing coding errors.

Project overview

First we analyze the requirement like software, hardware, external plugin library, programming language, support and more. After that moves to implement the code on step by step procedure. Moreover features also explained in the upcoming sections.

Here the concept is we build interface into both of passengers & airline system who are manage the travel company.

  1. Python
  2. Pycharm
  3. MySQL
  4. Tkinter
  5. PyMySQL
airline reservation system python

For booking the tickets, first customers has to create account on our website. We ask the following details to signup the process, Customer Name, Address, Date of Birth, Native place, job, education, work details and more details. oAuth Feature is not included in any airline system, because in they are accept only true information.

But in social media most of persons are give fake details. That’s the major reason for airline system did not accept oAuth authentication steps.


Actually plenty of advantages are available on this project. In below I will describe about the features.

  1. OTP – Email/Phone Number Verification Process
  2. Paypal Payments/NEFT
  3. Save Cookies
  4. Cashback Offers for particular online bank transfer paymenrts
  5. List out available plane tickets with price.
  6. Return Tickets Suggestions & Offers
  7. User Friendly Navigations

Airline Reservation System Source Code

The Airline Reservation System Python project source code was given by below button. I hope you can understand the code & here spaces are not enough to explain the procedures. That’s why in most of project I will give only source code in free of cost.

If you get errors, then comment below we are help to rectify the errors. For more Python projects check our blog category to explore more ideas. Software jobs is the best profession & passion so be strong on maximum of best programming languages.

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